Sunday, September 29, 2013

Feast of the Dedication of St. Michael

Just a quick note before bed.  Today was the Feast of St. Michael and the angels.  Here are a few of my previous posts on the subject :)

God Bless,

Monday, September 23, 2013

When Your Kiss is Met with a Cold Shoulder- A must read from Moxie Wife

Yes, I follow Moxie Wife.  I love Moxie Wife.  No, I'm not married.  I started following her back when she was Betty Beguiles because of her great style advice and all.  And I am after all studying for my MRS. degree, so it doesn't hurt to be getting these great little marriage tips now, right?

Hallie really writes some amazing blog posts.  And now and then, like today, there is just so much wisdom in them I just thank God that she blogs, so I can hear it.  Todays post is about marriage, I know, but really it is about all relationships.  Not just romantic relationships, either.  Family relationships.  Friendships.  Even coworkers could take some notes.

How often do we loose our tempers and our joy and proceed to drag everybody else down with us?  Too often.  And how often to we find ourselves in the presence of a grump and let them take us with them?  Far too often.  It's the easy way.  It's the instinctive way.  But maybe it isn't the only way.  

Today I encourage EVERYONE to read this.  Spouses I think do have a special duty to take it to heart, but we can all learn something.
When Your Kiss is Met with a Cold Shoulder

God Bless!

I haven't been around here much, but I've been pretty busy over at my new blog, Catholic Inklings.  Check it out!